23 July 2020
SHW assist West Sussex company supply PPE to the NHS
Building Consultancy, Business Rates, Commercial, Industrial & Logistics, Property Management
Crisp Websites Ltd t/a Pestfix who had just been awarded a contract to supply PPE to the NHS hospitals within the UK had outgrown their existing facility.

Cedar Trade Park, Chichester which was built in 2019 and totals 17,443 sqft and comprising of 5 modern light industrial and trade counter units was identified as suitable property to service the company's requirement for additional space with 3 of the units being vacant and 2 let to local businesses.
SHW were asked to value the property in order to ensure a fair market price was being paid and also carry out a building survey to check that there were no defects.
The property was acquired and SHW have been appointed as managing agents in the management of the property, involving rent collection for the two let units, service charge administration as well as landscaping and maintenance of the common parts.