8 February 2024
SHW gives voice to Mental Health in ‘Time to Talk Day’.
Health & Safety, SHW News
Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Happening every year, it’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives.

The Mental Health First Aiders and Responders across SHW promoted National Time to Talk Day held on February 1st Luke Brayne, Client Accountant, and part of the mental awareness team at SHW commented “I am honoured to be part of the Mental Health Team here at SHW. The SHW offices were supplied with biscuits and employees were encouraged to speak to each other about their mental health and what the business can do further to support our colleagues. Our East Sussex office also completed some glass etching before a friendly but competitive quiz.”
Authored by Luke Brayne